Minutes of the meeting of the York Health and Care Alliance Board held on 28th February 2022 conducted via Microsoft Teams
Ian Floyd Chief Operating Officer, City of York Council
Professor Charlie Jeffery Vice Chancellor and President, University of York
Emma Johnson Chief Executive St Leonards Hospice
Phil Mettam Accountable Officer, Vale of York CCG
Simon Morritt (Chair) Chief Executive, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Fiona Phillips Assistant Director of Public Health, City of York Council [as substitute for Sharon Stoltz}
Maddy Ruff Chief Executive Officer Nimbuscare (as substitute for Professor Mike Holmes)
Alison Semmence Chief Executive, York CVS
In Attendance
Abby Combes Head of Legal and Governance, Vale of York CCG
Janie Berry Director of Governance, City of York Council
David Hambleton DH Leadership Alliance, NECS Associate
Frances Harrison Head of Legal Services, City of York Council
Jamaila Hussain Corporate Director of Adults and Integration, City of York Council
Catherine Scott York MCN Enabling Team
Tracy Wallis Health and Wellbeing Partnerships Co-ordinator, City of
York Council
Cllr Keith Aspden (Chair) Leader City of York Council
Gail Brown York Schools Academies Board
Professor Mike Holmes Chair, Nimbuscare York
Brent Kilmurray Chief Executive, Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
Peter Roderick Consultant in Public Health, City of York Council /
Vale of York CCG
Sharon Stoltz Director of Public Health, City of York Council
The agenda was discussed in the following order.
1. Welcome and apologies for absence
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The board had no interests to declare.
The minutes of the meeting held on 29th November 2021 were approved by the board. There were no matters that arose from that last meeting.
2. Summary of time-out session held January 2022
Phil Mettam, Accountable Officer for the Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) updated the board on what was progressed at the time-out session held in January 2022. The board was reported to be well positioned to start in shadow form in April. When comparing ourselves to other local authorities who are establishing an alliance board, York continues to be at the vanguard of development. The board discussed setting long term and short term goals that the board could be held accountable for.
The board discussed how important the ‘prospectus workshops’ would be going forward as they would inform the content of the prospectus and the draft proposal for the board. David Hambleton, Leadership Alliance representative and NECS Associate reported to be working to draft out the approach of the workshops. The board agreed that the workshops should be held in a World Café format to ensure everyone has a chance to contribute. It was suggested that we invite people with lived experience to the workshop to input their perspective around services. The priorities that are generated from the workshop will be distilled down into a workable format to be used in the wider system.
In a paper produced by Peter Roderick, Consultant in Public Health for the City of York Council/Vale of York CCG topic suggestions were suggested that could be discussed on each of the tables at the workshops. The suggested topics included: Healthy ageing, People living with long term conditions, Social isolation and loneliness, Integration of Health and Social Care.
The board discussed inviting a friend or family member to the workshop. The board agreed that the ‘bring a friend’ idea would ensure input from people outside of the cohorts of service users and deliverers. Understanding what the public wants is an important part of the process that needs to be carried out. The board discussed how they would attract the right people to attend the workshops. Alison Semmence suggested using existing groups like the Poverty Truth Commission but it needs to be ensured that we don’t abuse their input.
As we won’t have the support of David Hambleton and the CCG from May, colleagues discussed how they would support the development of the prospectus and the Alliance board itself going forward. The board needs the names of nominated individuals who will be participating and supporting the workshops.
3. Humber Coast and Vale Operating Model
Phil Mettam stated that from April, the arrangement set out in the paper would commence in shadow form. The Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) are expected to start in April. York can anticipate to have two representatives on the partnership. The paper wasn’t for consultation but the board were asked to think about it in the context of York.
The board discussed the future plans for the CCG and how it will be dissolved. The legislative extension has been approved until July. The CCG are currently in the process of determining which staff groups will be transferred and deployed into York, North Yorkshire or the Integrated Care System (ICS). It was reported that all six CCGs have started losing staff as most were unsure of their eligibility of redundancy or suitability for further employment. A regional/national position on this is yet to be received.
4. Developing the Place Based Partnership
Abby Combes and Janie Berry provided an overview of how the place based partnership would be developed. It was explained that a Section 75 agreement between CYC and CCG would be necessary while people move over into the ICS. A joint committee will have to be established to manage the ongoing transfer and governance around Section 75 agreement. The decision making processes of the group will remain with the CCG and CYC until further arrangements were made. Once the ICB has been established, it will allow York to retain all the funding that was allocated and lose none to the wider ICS. It was noted that due to the timings of Full Council, if we miss the deadline for the March meeting, we would have to wait until the June meeting for it to be formally agreed. This would also provide the ICB with a signal of intent for our locality. The board agreed to have a paper around the Section 75 agreement, establishment of a joint committee, wider governance arrangements and inter-board relationships presented at the next meeting.
Action: Abby Combes and Janie Berry agreed to present a paper around the above at the next meeting.
5. Role of Provider Collaborative including YHCC
David Hambleton presented the paper contained within the agenda pack. The paper set out the emerging structures in the York Health and Care Alliance including how the Alliance, York Health and Care Collaborative and Alliance Leadership Team might work closely together.
Alison Semmence reported to be working to establish a VCSE provider collaborative to ensure the level of coproduction adopted over the pandemic is continued in York.
It was agreed that a wider discussion around the role of provider Collaboratives should be scheduled for the next meeting; specifically around the role of the Acute Collaborative.
The group briefly discussed a number of areas namely:
· Future patient discharge model and related funding: there had been a significant problem around how patients are being discharged from the hospital. Funding to support this is expected to stop from April. It is expected to cause issues with patient flow outside of the system. The board agreed to have a report around the future patient discharge model at the next meeting.
Action: Tracy Wallis to add Future Patient Discharge Model paper to the forward plan.
· CYC senior recruitment: Ian Floyd agreed to send a note to the Alliance setting out progress made in filling senior roles in the Council
Action: Ian Floyd to provide information for circulation
· TEWV – new operating model, structures and posts: a written update on this item was contained within the agenda pack for information but was not discussed
· Cultural Values Process for Alliance and HWBB: Catherine Scott attended the Alliance meeting and provided a brief update as to progress made. A small working group had been established and contact was being made with the Barratt Values Centre in terms of who they would nominate to lead this work with local partners. The first phase would be focused around developing and completing the survey (April to June) and the second phase around sense making (from September onwards). Volunteers were also sought to join the working group so that all organisations were represented.
· Supporting a human rights-based approach to co-production in York after the Covid-19 pandemic: Alison Semmence presented the paper in the agenda pack and the board agreed that a further discussion focused around co-production should happen at a future Alliance Board meeting.
7. Confirmation of next steps and summing up
The board addressed this item earlier in the agenda.
8. Any Other Business
The board had no other business to discuss.
The Chair closed the meeting.
Date of next meeting: Monday 28th March 2022 - 13:00pm-15:00pm